Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Budget Concerns and Salary Effects

The FY10 UA budget goes before the regents tomorrow. There's a 4.5% placeholder in this budget for grid increases, but Statewide has stated that we cannot continue to rely on these. It's important to note that these grid increases are not covering both the increase in cost of living and our traditional step increases.

For FY11 (July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011), the Staff Compensation Task Force is looking to develop a compensation system based on the following central values, noting that this list isn't final:

  • market-based
  • allows step progression
  • cost neutral as much as possible
  • increased performance management with an infrastructure in place to support it
  • efficient to administer

Juella, our Staff Council prez. is really going to bat for staff. She has strongly suggested to the Task Force that we get a 5% increase not only because that is the amount of the Anchorage Consumer Price Index but it also shows support for staff and recognizing the economic hardships we are facing.

She has encouraged the task force to consider that salary is but one piece of the compensation package, and that they must also be aware of health-care premiums and retirement.

Juella wants to hear back from you. What's your input for the FY11 budget? What information or suggestions can you give to us to ensure a more financially secure future for yourself?

Get back with us!

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